Attendees to the 2024 Annual Research Review had the opportunity to dive into the details of energy-related projects from across The University of Queensland (UQ) thanks to dozens of academic posters that were showcased at the event.
The Annual Research Review, which has been hosted by the UQ Gas & Energy Transition Research Centre since 2015, provides a platform for researchers to share their work and connect with the industry and government professionals who often deal directly with the challenges projects are attempting to address.
This year's posters were sorted according to the Centre's research themes, which coordinate projects with researchers in the wider UQ ecosystem in addition to the work undertaken by the Centre's team. The posters can be viewed below.
Energy Security
The Energy Security theme undertakes modelling and analysis to ensure energy planning meets societal objectives for the sustainability, reliability and affordability of domestic and export energy markets. Learn more about the theme here.
- Adsorption behaviour of silica nanofluid on coal and the injectivity enhancement mechanism (Tiancheng Zhang, Zhongwei Chen)
- Quantifying coal mechanical properties using digital image correlation method (Yixiao Huang, Zhongwei Chen)
- Relative Permeability of Coal: Experiment and Model Development (Tiancheng Zhang, Yiran Zhu, Jimmy Xuekai Li, Victor Rudolph, Zhongwei Chen)
- Impact of Gas Adsorption on Relative Permeability of Coal (Tiancheng Zhang, Yiran Zhu, Jimmy Xuekai Li, Victor Rudolph, Zhongwei Chen)
- Evolution of Proppant Embedment and Its Impact on Shale Permeability (Sijin Qian, Mingyuan Lu, Jimmy Xuekai Li, Grant Dawson, Xiaoxiao Mao, Zhongwei Chen)
- Experimental Study of Coal Directional Sorption-induced Strain Under Different Temperatures (Yixiao Huang, Victor Rudolph, Christopher Leonardi, Zhongwei Chen)
- Investigating the Relative Permeability of Coal Fractures Using Stochastic Analysis and High-Fidelity Computational Modelling (Dmytro Sashko, Dr Travis Mitchell, Łukasz Łaniewski-Wołłk, A/Prof Christopher Leonardi)
- Coal matrix shrinkage and its effects on cleat porosity, permeability and late life coal behaviour (Zhentao Li, Karen Steel, Joan Esterle, Tara Congo, Sen Yang)
- Trends in coal seam gas carbon isotopes in the Reids Dome beds (Alison Troup, Joan Esterle, Julie Pearce)
The Decarbonisation theme investigates key knowledge gaps and solutions to assess opportunities and scenarios for accelerating the transition to a net-zero economy. Learn more about the theme here.
- Assessing Fault Reactivation and Surface Uplifting Risk in CO2 Geological Sequestration (Erfan Saber, Saiied Aminossadati, Zhongwei Chen)
- CO2 storage potential in Basalts (J. K. Pearce, G. Dawson, H. Yinc, F. Brink, F. Hussain, S. Golding, J. Esterle, M. Firouzi, V. Rudolph, Z. Chen)
- Assessing the suitability of central Queensland mining region for growing Pongamia trees as a source of biofuel (Mandana Shaygan, Monia Anzooman, Neil McIntyre, Peter deVoil, Joe Lane, Daniel Rodriguez)
- The calm before the storms - early Permian coal seam development along the western margin of the Bowen Basin (Alison Troup, Joan Esterle)
- Experimental CO2-Water-Rock Interactions and Potential Impacts of CO2 Sequestration Below the Hutton and Gubberamunda Sandstones, Surat Basin, Great Artesian Basin (M. Matsui, J. K. Pearce, G. Dawson, K. Baublys)
Communities & Coexistence
The Communities & Coexistence research theme applies established and innovative social science methods to understand the complex social, cultural, policy and economic dimensions of energy resource developments. Learn more about the theme here.
- Developing a Participatory Framework for Ongoing Social, Cultural & Economic Monitoring in the Beetaloo Sub-basin, Northern Territory (Kathy Witt, Debashish Dev)
- Understanding Social Risks in CSG Brine Management (Kathy Witt, Amrita Kambo, Debashish Dev)
- Lessons learned in gas industry operations (Kathy Witt, Amrita Kambo, Debashish Dev)
- Future Gas Strategy – Public Submissions and Media Analysis (Debashish Dev, Kathy Witt)
- Creating ‘Lasting and Meaningful Benefits’: What communities in Queensland’s Renewable Energy Zones expect from new energy projects (A/Prof. Kathy Witt)
- An online tool for measuring cumulative impacts: What does energy resource development mean for local communities? (A/Prof. Kathy Witt)
- What is Coexistence and how do we know if we have it? Quantifying the interactions between agriculture and CSG (2015) (A/Prof. Kathy Witt)
The Environment theme seeks to understand and reduce the environmental impacts of energy resource projects and technologies that will be critical to the energy transition. Learn more about the theme here.
- Gas sources in the Springbok Sandstone and GAB aquifers (Julie Pearce, Harald Hofmann, Kim Baublys, Sue Golding, Keith Fifield, St.John Herbert, Zi Bhebhe, Nicole Leonard, Phil Hayes, Ian Matthews, Andrew Moser)
- Groundwater – reservoir (dis)connectivity with strontium isotopes (Dr Julie Pearce)