Communities & Coexistence

The Communities & Coexistence research theme applies established and innovative social science methods to understand the complex social, cultural, policy and economic dimensions of energy resource developments.

The theme includes research into the interactions between projects and stakeholders, such as cumulative socio-economic impact assessments; community-led monitoring of impacts and benefits; drivers of trust and expectations for social licences to operate; shared value creation and co-benefits; messaging, misinformation and activism; inclusive and effective community and stakeholder engagement; and neighbour relationships and coexistence. It also generates a variety of outputs to support stakeholders, such as online interactive data and annual reports with socioeconomic indicators for towns studied.

Through the theme, researchers translate and apply over ten years of social science experience in the natural gas industry to emerging energy resource industries, such as hydrogen.

Ultimately, the theme aims to ensure communities, industry and governments share the benefits of energy developments by facilitating communication and engagement that is based on accurate understanding of stakeholder expectations, aspirations, and concerns.  

Theme capabilities

  • Cumulative effects assessment – participatory monitoring
  • Participatory research methods
  • Surveys of public perceptions/sentiment
  • Innovative online engagement tools
  • Media and discourse analysis
  • Policy and longitudinal analysis
  • Literature reviews and analysis
  • Deliberative engagement methods
  • Experienced independent facilitator

Theme Leader

Associate Professor Kathy Witt
View research profile


Dr Debashish Dev
View research profile

Dr Amrita Kambo
View research profile

Toolkit for assessing cumulative socio-economic effects

The Toolkit enables defining, collecting and analysing town-level indicators to inform strategic planning and decision-making. This Toolkit approach is now being employed to characterise changes in a total nine towns across four local government areas where CSG development is occurring in Queensland.  Elements have also been adopted by the Queensland government.

Access the Boomtown Toolkit

Annual town analytics reports 

Town booklets are published for key communities which have hosted coal seam gas developments. Each booklet provides explanations of the interplay of an array of factors in the town and is a valuable tool to aid decision-making in local and state government, the resource industry, small business, landholders, community organisations, and individual households.

Access annual town analytics


Since launching in 2013, the Centre has published over 300 journal article, book chapters, posters, conference abstracts, and presentations.

Access complete publications list

Theme leader


Associate Professor Kathy Witt
Chair in Social Performance

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