In a new article published by The Australian, UQ Gas & Energy Transition Research Centre Director Professor David Close outlines why the federal and Victorian governments should consider a shorter-duration gas strategy specific to southern states to dodge shortfalls.
In the article, Professor David Close examines Federal Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen’s proposed rule change to the Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) to improve the integration of gas into the Integrated System Plan (ISP), which outlines the National Electricity Market's (NEM) 20-year transition strategy. The change would require the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) to enhance its gas market analysis in the ISP. However, Professor Close notes that if AEMO misses the window to include it in the 2026 ISP and instead includes it in the 2028 ISP, any solutions may be "too little too late".
Professor Close highlights that the physical infrastructure, such as pipelines, limits gas transport from Queensland to southern states, exacerbating the risk of shortages, and argues for a targeted, medium-term gas strategy specific to southern states to address these urgent issues effectively.