Changing Communities forum
The development of a liquefied natural gas (LNG) from coal seam gas (CSG) industry in Queensland has been a catalyst for change in communities of the Western Downs and Maranoa regions. With four large CSG to LNG projects occurring in the region simultaneously, cumulative effects for local communities became apparent.
To understand what changes have occurred in town communities within CSG development areas, the University of Queensland used longitudinal data on social and economic indicators, together with responses from community members’ own interpretations of the lived experience. Results are published in reports each year and shared with regional communities, the CSG industry and government agencies.
Join us to hear about the social and economic changes that have occurred in your local community, and see a snapshot of the gas industry in Queensland. Understand the key influences on changes over time including the development of the CSG industry which has become an integral part of regional Queensland. The University of Queensland will present longitudinal data on social and economic indicators together with community members’ own interpretations of the lived experience.
Attend one of five forums in Toowoomba, Dalby, Chinchilla, Miles or Roma between 28 May and 30 May 2018. Each forum takes two hours and includes presentations, Q&A session and refreshments. The forums are free to attend and are hosted by the UQ and the GasFields Commission Queensland.
- Report on the social and economic changes for our local communities, Dr Kathy Witt University of Queensland
- Snapshot of Queensland’s petroleum & gas industry and role of the Commission, Deanna Ferraro GasFields Commission Queensland
- UQ Stakeholder Trust Survey by Associate Professor Dr Nicole Gillespie and Professor Andrew Garnett.
Register with details of what forum you want to attend by emailing or contacting UQ on ph. 07 3346 4101.
Toowoomba forum
Lunch from 12:30pm
Date | Time | Venue |
Monday 28 May | 1:00pm - 3:00pm | Toowoomba Surat Basin Enterprise office Board room, 2/6 Ann St, Toowoomba City Qld 4350 Ph. 07 4639 4600 |
Dalby forum
Lunch from 12:30pm
Date | Time | Venue |
Tuesday 29 May | 10:30am – 12:30pm | Dalby Leagues Club Orpen Street, Dalby Qld 4405 Ph. 07 4662 1433 |
Chinchilla forum
Food and drinks from 6:30pm
Date | Time | Venue |
Tuesday 29 May | 4:30pm – 6:30pm | Chinchilla Club Hotel Function Room, 131 Heeney St, Chinchilla Qld 4413 Ph. 07 4669 1100 |
Miles forum
Morning tea from 10:15am
Date | Time | Venue |
Wednesday 30 May | 10:30am – 12:30pm | Western Downs Regional Council Office Columboola Function Room, Leichardt Centre, 29 Dawson St (corner of Marian St), Miles Qld 4415 Ph: 07 4628 5321 |
Roma forum
Afternoon tea from 2:30pm
Date | Time | Venue |
Wednesday 30 May | 3:00pm- 5:00pm | Maranoa Cultural Centre Ernest Brock Room, 57 Bungil St, Roma Qld 4455 Ph: 07 4624 0636 |
Forums are free to attend. For catering purposes please register by emailing with details of the forum you want to attend.
For more information contact Carolyn Martin University of Queensland, ph. 07 3346 4101 or mobile: 0439 399 886.