Lab tours of the transparent well at St Lucia going gangbusters

5 August 2019

There has been an large amount of interest in the novel transparent well housed at the St Lucia campus, with the team at the UQ Centre for Natural Gas giving a steady stream of tours of the technology to politicians, researchers, industry, farmers and other stakeholders.

The schedule of lab tours continues over the coming months. To arrange a tour please email

A team of Arrow Energy staff recently visited the transparent well, which is better known as the 'Hubbly Bubbly". UQ researcher Mahshid Firouzi led the tour and gave the group a presentation on some recent research highlights coming out the Centre.


A team of Origin Energy staff during their lab tour of the 'Hubbly Bubbly' transparent well. They found the technology and presentations about the Centre's work of great interest and are looking forward to the results that the technology will deliver for industry.


MP Trevor Watts, Member of the Legislative Assembly of Queensland, getting the low down on the hubbly bubbly from UQ researchers Pouria Amani and Mahshid Firouzi, and Director the the UQ Centre for Natural Gas, Professor Andrew Garnett.


Researcher Mahshid Firouzi giving Senex a tour of the transparent well.


UQ's researchers analysing results from its transparent well. A small amount of blue food colouring is added to the water during lab tours for visual impact.


