Seismic data for CSG
This project investigated if detailed analysis of seismic data would provide a better understanding of the distribution of the CSG resource and better inform the layout of gasfields.
Seismic surveys use reflected sound waves to map underground surfaces and structures. They are regularly used in the resources sector to map oil and gas deposits during the exploration phase. However they have not been used widely in the Queensland CSG industry due to difficulties in negotiating land access for this purpose and because the expected close spacing of CSG wells suggested that there would be minimal benefit from this type of investigation.
The students developed new processing strategies of interest to other industries.
Related Project:
A related project commenced in September 2017 titled "Integrated Sequence Stratigraphy to Improve Technically Recoverable Resources Estimation and Flow Modelling".
- Research poster: Automatic NMO correction in Anisotropic media and Non-Hyperbolic NMO Velocity Field Estimation, Centre Research Review (2015)
- New methodologies: and workflows for processing seismic data
- Reprocessed 3D and 2D seismic data: New approaches applied to existing seismic datasets