Vanessa Salomao de Santiago
Industry Fellow
Gas and Energy Transition Research Centre
+61 7 3346 3474

Journal Articles
Santiago, Vanessa, Zabala, Francy Guerrero, Sanchez-Barra, Angel J., Deisman, Nathan, Chalaturnyk, Richard J., Zhong, Ruizhi and Hurter, Suzanne (2022). Experimental investigation of the flow properties of layered coal-rock analogues. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 186, 685-700. doi: 10.1016/j.cherd.2022.08.046
Santiago, Vanessa, Ribeiro, Ayrton, Johnson, Raymond, Hurter, Suzanne and You, Zhenjiang (2022). Modeling and economic analyses of graded particle injections in conjunction with hydraulic fracturing of coal seam gas reservoirs. SPE Journal, 27 (3), 1633-1647. doi: 10.2118/208404-PA
Ramanandraibe, Honja Miharisoa, Sedaghat, Mohammad, Johnson, Raymond and Santiago, Vanessa (2022). Co-application of micro-proppant with horizontal well, multi-stage hydraulic fracturing treatments to improve productivity in the Permian coal measures, Bowen Basin, Australia. The APPEA Journal, 62 (1), 77-91. doi: 10.1071/aj21048
Santiago, Vanessa, Ribeiro, Ayrton and Hurter, Suzanne (2020). Modeling the contribution of individual coal seams on commingled gas production. SPE Production and Operations, 36 (01), 1-17. doi: 10.2118/198241-pa
Luna, F. Murilo T., Salmin, Davi Costa, Santiago, Vanessa S., Maia, Francisco J. N., Silva, Francisco O. N., Mazzetto, Selma E. and Cavalcante, Celio L. (2019). Oxidative stability of acylated and hydrogenated ricinoleates using synthetic and natural antioxidants. Journal of Chemistry, 2019 3973657. doi: 10.1155/2019/3973657
Conference Papers
Johnson, Raymond Leslie, Ramanandraibe, Honja Miharisoa, Di Vaira, Nathan, Leonardi, Chris, You, Zhenjiang, Santiago, Vanessa, Ribeiro, Ayrton, Badalyan, Alexander, Bedrikovetsky, Pavel, Zeinijahromi, Abbas, Carageorgos, Themis, Sanchez-Barr, Angel, Chalaturnyk, Rick and Deisman, Nathan (2022). Implications of recent research into the application of graded particles or micro-proppants for coal seam gas and shale hydraulic fracturing. SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, Adelaide, SA, Australia, 17-19 October 2022. Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi: 10.2118/210628-ms
Santiago, Vanessa, Ribeiro, Ayrton, Johnson, Raymond, Hurter, Suzanne and You, Zhenjiang (2021). Modelling and Economic Analyses of Graded Particle Injections in Conjunction with Hydraulically Fracturing of Coal Seam Gas Reservoirs. SPE/AAPG/SEG Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Online, 16–18 November 2021. Tulsa, OK United States: Unconventional Resources Technology Conference. doi: 10.15530/AP-URTEC-2021-208404
Johnson, Raymond L., You, Zhenjiang, Ribeiro, Ayrton, Mukherjee, Saswata, Salomao de Santiago, Vanessa and Leonardi, Christopher (2020). Integrating Reservoir Characterisation, Diagnostic Fracture Injection Testing, Hydraulic Fracturing and Post-Frac Well Production Data to Define Pressure Dependent Permeability Behavior in Coal. SPE Asia Pacific Oil & Gas Conference and Exhibition, Online, 17-19 November 2020. Richardson, TX United States: Society of Petroleum Engineers. doi: 10.2118/202281-ms
Santiago, Vanessa, Ribeiro, Ayrton and Hurter, Suzanne (2019). Modelling the Contribution of Individual Seams to Coal Seam Gas Production. Unconventional Resources Technology Conference (URTEC), Brisbane, QLD Australia, 18 - 19 November 2019. Tulsa, OK United States: Unconventional Resources Technology Conference. doi: 10.15530/ap-urtec-2019-198241
Ribeiro, Ayrton, Santiago, Vanessa, You, Zhenjiang, Johnson Jr., Raymond and Hurter, Suzanne (2019). Evaluating performance of graded proppant injection into CSG reservoir: a reservoir simulation study. SPE/AAPG/SEG Asia Pacific Unconventional Resources Technology Conference, Brisbane, QLD, Australia, 18 - 19 November 2019. Tulsa, OK, United States: Unconventional Resources Technology Conference. doi: 10.15530/ap-urtec-2019-198324
Salomao de Santiago, Vanessa (2022). Stress-dependent flow behaviour in coal seam gas reservoirs: Implications for gas production and reservoir stimulation. PhD Thesis, School of Chemical Engineering, The University of Queensland. doi: 10.14264/c546e00