Dr Travis Mitchell

Travis Mitchell is a Research Fellow within the UQ School of Mechanical and Mining Engineering. After completing a Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics dual degree with first class honours, Travis undertook his doctoral studies at The University of Queensland. Here, he numerically investigated the behaviour of liquid-gas flows within confined environments. In particular, focus was given to the multiphase flow inside of unconventional natural gas wellbores to develop fundamental understanding of the dynamic interactions impacting pressure gradients, ultimately working towards improved operational efficiency and well design. Travis has expertise in computational modelling and high performance parallel computing with a strong interest in the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) for the study of fluid flows. More recently, his research has also included the use of hybrid finite element-discrete element solvers for modelling the impact of blasting and the finite element method (FEM) for simulating the flow of fluid through porous media. Prior to his doctoral studies, Travis interned with QGC as a Production Systems Modeller and worked for two years with Eastcoast Development Engineering (EDE), a company that was specialised in structural, mechanical and piping (SMP) as well as civil, fabrication and maintenance for the oil and gas industry.