A website containing the Annual Report and updated data on Queensland's gasfield regions has been released. The CCSG Socio-Economic Indicators project employs a suite of metrics developed to measure change in communities undergoing relatively rapid change, specifically - population, unemployment, income, housing costs, and crime rates. These metrics were originally selected to assess cumulative social and economic impacts of CSG development in towns in the Western Downs regional council area, the heart of Queensland’s CSG development. These indicator metrics were developed – and employed - through extensive engagement with regional communities and other stakeholders.
This annual reporting project has made trends in these indicators visible for the period of 2001 to the present through online plotting software. Analysis of these trends, and comparison of changes in different towns, is contributing to an annual update for the regions covered. The update has feature articles on key issue areas, such as housing and small business. Additionally, the project team are pursuing widespread uptake of the online information to support decision-making by local businesses, community organisations, various levels and departments of government, and the CSG industry.